Registration at Citizens Medical Center
Welcome! It’s common to feel unprepared or anxious about an upcoming hospital admission. Our team at Citizens Medical Center works to make your experience as positive as possible not only by providing quality care but also by ensuring your comfort and well being are priorities during your stay.

- Please bring your current insurance card and a valid picture ID
- Standard hours are: Monday-Friday: 7am to 5pm
- Contact us at (785) 462-7511
Items to Bring With You:

- Current medication list (prescription and nonprescription), including inhalers, eye drops, vitamins, supplements and herbal medications.
- Detailed information about medical, surgical and immunization histories; include any allergies you have.
- Copy of Advanced Directives or Living Will.
- Personal health care items including hearing aids, dentures (and adhesive), contacts or glasses.
- Comfortable clothing and shoes.
- Feel welcome to bring a list of questions or concerns you may have about your health care that may assist in your ability to engage in the planning of your own care.
Items to Leave at Home:

- Jewelry
- Large amounts of money or credit/debit cards
- Sentimental or irreplaceable items or clothing
Other Helpful Information:

- All patient medications are dispensed by the pharmacy or administered by a licensed health care professional, according to pharmacy laws.
- Smoking and tobacco use are not allowed in any building on the campus of Citizens Health.
- Cell phone use is permitted at the hospital.
- Wireless internet service is available. Connect to CMCI Guest; username/password are not required.
Give the Gift of Life:

Our team at Citizens Medical Center is dedicated to honoring our patients’ decisions to donate their organs upon passing. If this is your wish, please communicate your plans to your family members and friends, as well as including it in your advanced directives. Find more information at the Midwest Transplant Network or the Donate Life Registry.